miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

How to comment

First thanks for enter to the blog,we had a very good answer,and again Thanks.And we have received many commentaries saying that don't know how to comment.Well,we made the Blog in Mexico,so i don't know if somethings for example where says "Comment" appear you in Spanish or English,but lets try and if the questions remains we will have tosee what to do.(We are going to explain you how to says in the pictures).

1- Here we have a image about the last New.Where says:"So..Maybe Chloe Moretz knows Liam James"? as you can see it's encircled and says :2 Comentarios"This is in Spanish and translating it means
"2 Commentaries".(As you can see in the right is the circled part but extended)CLICK THERE Where says "2 Comentarios" or
"2 Commentaries"

2- Something as the next image should appear you ,where says :"Publicar un comentario en la entrada" in English : "Publish a comment in the entrance"(Entrance is the New).And where says

3- When your comment its done CLICK where in the image says "Liam James Shawties (Google)"(CLICK IN THE ARROW)Then a list like the image one will appear and you will choose one of the two last ones (in the circled zone)that says : "Anonimo/URL - Anonimo" traslated :
"Anonymous/URL - Anonymous".

4- As the image shows,we choose the option : Anonimo/URL(Anonymous/URL)if you choose the same a square as this will appear and says :

Editar Perfil (Edit Profile)
Nombre (Name)
URL (Your web page)
"Continuar" - "Continue"
If you choose the second option "Anonimo"(Anonymous) you haven't to do the former step.

5- Finally YOUR COMMENT WILL APPEAR as the circled zone.Down (the circuled zone with green) will appear a message :"Se ha publicado tu comentario" - "Your comment have been publised".But sometimes appear:"Tu comentario será publicado después de ser comprobado" - "Your comment will be published then to be verified"(by us).This means,before be published your comment we'll review it to aprove it.

Hope explained you good,any question write us here : Liam.Shawties@hotmail.com we'll answer at the shortness.


lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Now Chloe Moretz knows Liam James?

The June 6th Liam published in his Twitter :
No lie, I think @ChloeGMoretz or @IsabelleFuhrman Have to be my celebrity crushes :) 10:25 PM Jun 6th

And this created a big polemic..some days then on June 16th in our FormSpring we answered and published in our Twitter one of the many comments we had received about Liam & Chloe .The comment was :

Q:Liam should use Twitter @ChloeGMoretz or http://www.chloemoretz.com/
A:Yes!And we gotta make a plain ;D http://4ms.me/c1SYTg
3:36 PM Jun 16th via formspring.me

And happend something that seems impossible when you try to make a celebrity read your tweet,Chloe Moretz readed that Tweet!and the same day she sended us a tweet :

ChloeGMoretz @LiamShawties lol wat?..
3:44 PM Jun 16th via web reply to LiamShawties
Yeah,we couldn't believe it,and we replied her :

@ChloeGMoretz Wow!you know about @TheLiamJames ?he's awesome and you should meet him ;D 8:18 PM Jun 16th via web reply to ChloeGMoretz

Unfortunately we haven't an answer but there's a big possibility :
  • Chloe Moretz wanted to know who was Liam James and she investigated more about him.

So..Maybe Chloe Moretz knows Liam James?

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Now Liam Shawties are here too!

First of all thanks for enter here,you all are welcome!
Second,the Blog it's in English,but we gonna traslate this to Spanish too,wait for it!
I'm Brenda and i'm in charge of this with my girlfriends and as you know we love Liam James!
Well this Blog it's created to support Liam in the only way we can,using The Social Nets.
This Blog it's to:

  • Try to publish the news about Liam James just in the moment
  • To people can know more about Liam
  • To Liam James Fans can share ideas and coments
  • Only to dedicate more time for Liam!

The Blog's name it's : "Liam Shawties" but this don't mean that it's just for girls,are all welcome,it's just a name!Until now,we have those accounts:

So,we hope this Blog grow up!Enjoy your day and THANK YOU SO MUCH!